November 13, 2008

A part of my vote on November 4th was for Michelle Obama, a woman I am quite proud to have in the White House for the next four years. (I imagine that this is how my grandmother felt about Jackie Kennedy.)

This is an interesting interview of an author of an unauthorized, but still quite glowing, biography, Michelle. (At least the last few chapters I read in a Barnes & Noble on Court Street were very positive.) She does an excellent job of making Mrs. Obama the illustration of the post-civil rights era (if that really exists in these Prop 8 days is another question) and culmination of many of its goals, if its primary goal was to have more Ivy League educated young women from the South Side of Chicago, that is.

If anyone is wondering what Democracy Now! is, they should know that it's what people who listen to NPR say they actually listen to, so that they don't have to admit to being an "NPR listener," because that might make them sound "too, too," as Grandma likes to say.

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