April 15, 2009

Two in One!

This is actually quite disturbing, but to someone raised watching My Fair Lady and Funny Girl each Thanksgiving, and Night of the Living Dead and Hellraiser IV every other night, the novel, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, really combines my love of camp and old-fashioned love stories. Apparently, it has shot up the Amazon.com bestseller list in recent weeks. Maybe this says something about Amazon shoppers that we just didn't know about before, or maybe as the Op-Ed contributor in the NY Times says, it has something to do with our collective anxiety about the economy. We've moved on from sleek vampires, who can only be sustained by the riches and excesses of a negligent society, to zombies, who are undiscriminating and leave behind just the strongest and least likely group of allies. Vampires are surgical in their tactics; zombies a bit more . . .blunt. Feasting on brains just isn't glamorous work. I'm feeling a bit better this morning, in case you're wondering.

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