There are a few things on this blog you may have failed to notice through no fault of your own. This blog's layout is limited by my knowledge of html and time and patience to fiddle with various things. Also, Google has decided to switch most of my basic functions into Arabic. Does anyone know how to undo that? Back to business:
For those who love pictures please look to your right, there are three different slideshows. If you click on any of them you will be taken to Picasa and be able to peruse these images at your leisure. (Mom, you can even order pictures that you want!)
For those of you who love shopping or just giving your opinion on anything and everything please look at the third slideshow, "Don't You Want One?" particularly carefully. These are the products of the women's artisans' association I work with the most. By private email, please let me know what you think of the products. If you have product ideas of your own (especially those geared towards female tourists that utilize weaving, crocheting, or sewing), share those, too. No, you don't get a cut. If you want one of these items, let me know that, too.
Last, if you're looking to subscribe to this blog, scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on the word "subscribe" or "atom". This should give you the RSS feed and allow you to do whatever it is you do with an RSS feed. Man, technology used to be my thing!
Tomorrow my future house is going to be "checked" i.e. approved for safety and security standards. I've never seen the inside of it but I've been told that it is ihla bezzef, and exactly like my host family's home (which is, indeed, quite beautiful). I can't wait to have my own kitchen and put pictures on the wall. I'll tell you more about it when I actually have some facts at my disposal!
In other news, a family member is having surgery tomorrow. Please send safe, happy, healthy thoughts to Los Angeles.
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