Growing up in San Diego afforded me many, many trips to the World Famous San Diego Zoo (I believe that's its official name, just like San Diego's official tagline is "America's Finest City", which I've actually heard used in broadcasts in other cities). In third grade my class spent an entire week visiting the zoo, learning about the various animals, their natural habitats and diets, and the then-fledgling panda and gorilla projects. The Zoo and the Wild Animal Park in Escondido continue to be two of my favorite places to visit whenever I'm home.
I was unexpectedly reminded of my love for these places while watching television with my host family last night. Television is a nice, quiet way to bond with them and practice my Tashlheit and Arabic. I can make exclamations, such as, "Hey!" when there's violence, or we can laugh over the fact that we rarely laugh at the same moments during American films with Arabic subtitles. My favorite times are when what I think of as the Animal Planet of satellite TV comes on. (I have yet to find shark week in Arabic.) Displaying ten to fifteen second clips of animals, insects and plants (sometimes animals eating animals and plants eating insects) this channel provides zoning out at its best, providing the simple pleasure of watching nature without getting muddy or cold. Without voice-overs or subtitles, I like to think of this type of programming as universally enjoyable. On this particular occasion I decided to make a vocabulary lesson out of the program, because you just never know when you'll need to know how to say "tiger."
Zebras showed up first, and I learned that they were himar waHsi, which I repeated a few times because anything with more than three syllables trips me up. As the tigers (nimmr) came and went, my host sister said "himar waHsi ibbi l-middn rika kmmi d nkki." And I said, "Zebras? No, tigers do. The things with the stripes? They eat people? Noooooo." And my host sister said, "Yeeeeees." And I said, "Maybe, but I'm pretty sure they eat plants only, just like donkeys." (Donkeys are an excellent frame of reference.) And so I decided that actually she meant the tigers, but just to be sure I decided that I would ask my tutor.
My tutor confirmed that zebras do, in fact, eat people. Himar waHsi directly translates into "beasts of the forest." I had always thought they lived in tall grasses on the African plains (hence the silly striped outfit) and ate plants, but I could be wrong. Third grade was a long time ago, after all.
Later, when I suggested my friend Mia procure some lizards (tqllit) in Marrakech for her spider problem, I was told that lizards cause melanin loss in the skin, creating large white patches, and that they eat people, too.
I'll just have to stick with cats, I guess.
You should probably go change the Wikipedia entry for "Zebra", now, given your new, local knowledge. That's how Wikipedia works, right? Anyway (my suggested changes added in BOLD):
Food and foraging
Zebras are very adaptable grazers. They feed mainly on grasses but will also eat shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves and bark [AND PEOPLE]. Their well adapted digestive system allows them to subsist on diets of lower nutritional quality [AND PEOPLE] than that necessary for herbivores. AND THEY EAT PEOPLE.
wow i didnt know that , interesting facts , regards
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